We develop the basic five-note pentatonic scales with 'in-between' semitones - "chromatic passing tones".
Here's how to find the first one - sharp four/flat five in the A pentatonic minor scale.
So the new note - the sharp four/flat five chromatic passing tone - is literally half-way up the scale, right in between the two identical hand positions.
Next, we want to play the new six-note pentatonic scale with one hand.
But what's music without rhythm? No good at all...!
We only need to find the two bass notes from the One-Octave Blues (tonic and m7) and we can start building a 12-bar straight away.
The difficulty in a 12-bar is always jumping between positions. Here you practice the alternating A minor and D minor positions.
Here are the last four bars of a classic 12-bar chord sequence: the riff in E minor, D minor and A minor. This is where the most changes of position take place.
But in fact we're not going to play a pure 'formula' version; we're going to change the last part, just as we did in the One-Octave Blues.
And here's your first performance of the Mix'n'Match Blues.
Get that performance good and 'secure' before going on to Page Two.
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Practice Patterns
Melody Work and
Playing by Ear
Pentatonic Riffs
and Diaries - Minor Pentatonic Major Pentatonic
Chromatic Minor
Chromatic Major
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The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for