For ease of naviogation, this single minor pentatonic scale-tone practice study occupies a page of its own.
This study is an ‘evolution’ ending with the combining of two patterns in a melodic line.
The descending second half of each pattern is a mirror image of the ascending first half.
The left hand has ‘something to do’ in each stage of the build-up. It’s a good idea to keep the ‘other hand’ active, or everything falls apart when you bring it into play if you haven’t been used to both hands doing something. Work out the active right hand on its own first if necessary.
The first pattern is all steps, in fours, down-up-up-up – no overlap
The second pattern is down-up-up-down. The second ‘up’ is a skip and the groups of four overlap by one scale-tone (the last ‘down’).
This is the
second type – groups of four, all steps rising, groups overlapping by one
scale-tone: up-up-up-down.
Like 4c but the third rising step is a skip
The final two-part pattern: one four-note 4b group followed by a 4d group. The formula produces an interesting musical line without having to think about every note.
The whole study
Here is a video of the entire study as shown on the page in your Workbook.
Transposing the study will help you get used to fingering black-key pentatonic scales and train your musical ear-and-eye.
Here is the whole study in B minor (one black key).
Here is the whole study in C minor (two black keys).
You can transpose the study into other keys using the 'key' function on MidiPiano and the whole-study NSPTSPP 4 Am download MIDI file.
Use this ‘evolution’
as a formula for creating your own pentatonic lines.You need two different four-note patterns to practice separately then combine.
Thinking in terms of up-down contour and ‘steps’ and ‘skips' is the ‘behind the scenes’ secret of fluid, spontaneous music-making.
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