These web pages host the Pentatonic Hanon video performances and exclusive Musicarta Patreon Tier One music manuscript and teaching notes.
You can discover more about pentatonic scales and pentatonic music in general via the Musicarta Pentatonics home page.
Watch the video, trying to memorise the pitch (up/down) 'contour'.
Notice that both clefs have a little '8' under them. Musicarta uses this to indicate "Play an octave lower than written"; it's a useful way of avoiding a lot of ledger lines. (This is optional, though.)
Note also that the study is minor throughout, so '3' and '7' on the keyboard always denote minor third and minor seventh.
The right hand never reaches above the fifth and does a lot of passing RH2 over the thumb.
Here's a practice-speed pattern in G minor.
As with all the Pentatonic Hanon studies, the emphasis must but on playing the pattern (step or skip between the scale tones), not relying on the dots!
This Gm-Am-Bm rising-by-whole-tones-and-back study plays through middle three keys of the full, five-key Fm-Gm-Am-Bm-C#m Pentatonic Hanon transposing pattern - F minor and C# minor being more challenging keys.
When you are proficient in the Gm-Am-Bm changes, learn the pattern in F minor and C# minor and play through all five keys, up and down.
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