These web pages host the Pentatonic Hanon video performances and exclusive Musicarta Patreon Tier One music manuscript and teaching notes.
You can discover more about pentatonic scales and pentatonic music in general via the Musicarta Pentatonics home page.
Watch the video, trying to memorise the pitch (up/down) 'contour'.
The right hand uses both chromatic passing tones (CPT).
The left hand uses the pentatonic scale plus CPTs on the way up. On the way down it uses a variety of scale tones including the major and minor sixths and a flattened second.
The pattern repeats rising by whole tones from C to G sharp.
Notice the right hand treble clef: it has a little '8' under it. Musicarta uses this to indicate "Play an octave lower than written"; it's a useful way of avoiding a lot of ledger lines. (This is optional, though.)
The right hand uses
Here's an 'easy octave' introduction in D minor.
F sharp minor and G sharp minor both start on black keys - a challenge.
This section suggests you give your hand the opportunity to discover a relative position vis-a-vis the keyboard and some fingering that allows you to play the pattern in these two difficult keys.
The improvising musician can't know the fingering in advance: he or she has to 'know how to finger' instead.
As with all the Pentatonic Hanon studies, the emphasis must but on playing the pattern (step or skip between the scale tones), not relying on the dots!
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