Musicarta Beat and Rhythm Workbook
Snake Dance Series
Left Hand Off The Beat
Watch this first 'left hand off the beat' performance - it's the quickest way to understand what 'off the beat' means.
As our rhythms become more complex, it becomes an even better strategy to work through the tapping drills conscientiously. They help you sort out the 'TLR' hand patterning without the confusion of the notes.
Learn to read the beat maps - they teach you to think effectively about rhythmic challenges.
Here's the Line Three phrase pattern, with the right hand playing every beat.
Now play a hands-crossed version 'loco' - in position, using the same keys but hands crossed.
You immediately notice something different: one of the left hand intervals is played 'staggered' - bottom-top.
Here are two agility challenges. The left hand is going to play both below and above the right hand melody, in two patterns.
The way to make is easy is:
You can drop the 'staggered interval' trick initially, if you like.
Here's the second option.
Remember: Learning something is usually a case of "taking the effort out" of doing it! Find your own way to make it easy.
Here's a rhythmic variation where the left hand suddenly takes a break.
The on-again-off-again profile certainly engages the listener's attention. Combine with a cross-hands version and provide an ending that you feel works.
Now go on to experiment with held notes in the left hand.
THE MUSICARTA BEAT & RHYTHM WORKBOOK At last! An effective approach to keyboard rhythm & syncopation skills. Learn more! |
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The Beat & Rhythm Workbook
The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for