Musicarta Beat and Rhythm Workbook
Snake Dance Series
Longer Rhythmic Patterns
So far, we have limited ourselves to rhythmic (left hand) patterns no more than one bar in length - all left hand bars playing the same rhythm. But there's no reason why our left hand rhythmic patterns can't stretch over two (or more) bars.
Here's one basic option.
The performance starts out with the left hand 'setting the scene' with a demonstration of the two-bar rhythm, then goes into the performance shown below. (Tap straight from the marked-up MS.)
But in 'Line Three', something new happens. The last note of the left hand pattern gets 'anticipated' - drawn forward across the bar line - and we end up with a two-beat left hand pattern.
Once you've tasted that anticipation, it's hard to go back to playing without, so the anticipation stays, under the mainly melody phrase, to the end.
The performance has a postscript, which 'quotes' the crotchet-minim-crotchet pattern from 'More LH Rhythms'.
Listen again to the performance to identify where it comes.
If we play one bar of that quoted crotchet-minim-crotchet pattern followed by a bar's rest, we again have a legitimate, new, two-bar rhythmic pattern.
Here's the tapping build-up and the drills to work from. Use them until you're comfortable with all the combinations of left and right hand rhythms.
In the third line, the harmonic change has to creep forward across the bar line.
Here's the full version MS (or use the download) and the performance video again.
Here's a medley that combines the two patterns.
As well as the syncopation, there is some harmonic development, too. Look at those 'A' chord symbols, and the tell-tale C sharps.
More of that in the coming modules.
Now go on to experiment with the left hand off the beat.
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The Beat & Rhythm Workbook
The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for