Musicarta Beat and Rhythm Workbook
Snake Dance Series
More Left Hand Rhythms
Different combinations of left hand minims (half-notes) and crotchets (quarter-notes) provide an opportunity to teach our hands new rhythmic freedoms.
Here's a minims-only performance.
You see immediately that we've spiced up the performance by starting an octave down and playing the left hand fifths alternately below and above the melody.
If needed, rehearse (tap) the minim-only performance rhythm.
Here are the tapping diagrams - for your off-screen entertainment.
Here's your first line and target performance.
Practicing your desk-top drumming is vital - even if you can easily do it. Everything builds on what goes before. 'Going through the motions' - with attention and commitment to the highest standards, of course - DOES make you a better player.
Here are your regular three tapping diagrams.
First line, by halves
Whole first line
Third line
Now play your performance. Put as much 'character' into it as you can imagine.
The last combination. This is the same left hand rhythm as the basic end-of-build-up performance, but with left hand fifths throughout, so it feels quite different.
Here's the first line, for your 'mental index of first lines'.
Yes - it's the tapping drill for the last part of the build-up to the basic performance! But play just the block fifths - or some combination of the two.
Here are the regular tapping drills. Run through them for fun! Remind yourself verbally of what it is you're practicing.
Now go on to the off-the-beat variations.
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The Beat & Rhythm Workbook
The MusicartaA methodical approach to keyboard syncopation for